Sunday, September 12, 2010

Birthday treat for Jenni

I have to bring cookies to a church choir lunch today, and since it is Jenni's birthday I made one of her favorite recipes: Snickerdoodles.

It's been years since I made these. The cinnamon smell in the kitchen this morning is making my mouth water.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

trying out mobile blogging

I'm in Chicago O'Hare airport waiting for a return flight to Tucson. I said goodbye to Aidan & Isaac this afternoon in Grand Rapids. This past week with them was delightful, if somewhat tiring due to their high energy. I don't know how Christi keeps up with them. She and Chris are doing a great job raising the boys.

It was raining in Grand Rapids all morning. There were thick clouds all across Lake Michigan--until the Illinois shore were the sun came out.

A first-time cowboy

Isaac took a penny horse ride this afternoon. His brother, Aidan, never had the courage.