Friday, October 26, 2007


Today is a real, legitimate, actual day of rain. It's been raining for the last three hours. We have decided to stay in the cottage overlooking the sea and just read today. We could go out driving, but that's what we've been doing for the past three days. We've seen an incredible amount of the island. It is truly a "nature island" as advertised. The tropical trees and flowers are incredibly beautiful. There are rivers and waterfalls everywhere. While we've had rain and clouds the first few days here, we've also had plenty of intermittant sunshine. If it clears up later today we'll do a little hiking on some "farmer paths" near here.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Butterfly Festival at the Desert Museum

On Saturday afternoon we visited the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. This is the time of year for several species of butterflies to be "out and about". These are all native butterflies and are attracted to various plants throughout the Museum grounds. I'm most happy that my camera takes the picture immediately when I press the shutter button--otherwise I'd never had gotten these photos. Butterflies aren't in the habit of posing for pokey photographers!

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Run Down Crime

Jenni participated on Saturday in a 5K run/walk for the Tucson Police Foundation. A collegue from work is a volunteer with the foundation, so she wanted to support his efforts. I tagged along and took pictures. If you want to see a bunch more photos, email me and I'll send a link to a website where I've posted a 3.5 minute slide show of the whole race.

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