Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lantana & petunias

Lantana & petunias
Originally uploaded by kretyen
I've been home alone again for the past two days. Some friends came over last night and made adjustments to my computer monitor. Color calibration. What a difference it made. My colors are much more vibrant and brighter.

Last Friday we had a power spike and I thought I'd lost my monitor. It wouldn't display a light at all on the controls. I was prepared to go up to Tucson to purchase a new one. My co-worker suggested I borrow an extra one from the church for the weekend. After I hooked up the borrowed one I decided to plug the fried one in to see if it would react--and it did!

I was excited to buy a new monitor (the old was was a bottom-of-the-line type). If it truly were dead, then I could justify a new, better one. But since it resurrected itself, I couldn't spend the money. So when this friend said he had calibration software and equipment, I asked him to help.

I'm thrilled with the results. And I saved myself $200+.

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