Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Originally uploaded by kretyen
Today is our anniversary. 37 years. I have a new iPhone and this little app, Gratitude, makes it very easy to record the things I'm thankful for each day. It really helps lift my spirits.

Most of all I'm thankful for Jenni's love and devotion for all these years.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pastors as Poets -- a Wonderful Analogy

Complaining is usually a veiled lament about deeper issues of the soul. Since people are unaccustomed to exploring the mystery of their own souls, they will often work out their spiritual anxieties by attempting to rearrange something external, like a church's music program. But it doesn't matter how many changes they make to the environment around them. They will never succeed in finding peace for the angst of the soul until they attend directly to it. This is why people have pastors.To be of service to the Holy Spirit, who is at work in human lives, the pastor can never reduce ministry to servicing parishioners' complaints about the church.
The Christian Century February 10, 2009
"Poet in Residence" by M. Craig Barnes

I read this article in at lunch today and was deeply moved. I've seen this happen often, even in my own life. My dissatisfaction ("Why did they let him teach that Sunday School lesson?" "Can you believe the choir sang that song?" "I hate the color carpet the committee chose." "Someone always steals my seat in the back pew.") usually was not the real issue. My complaints were often the result of a deeper spiritual problem that I was not addressing.

I have long been suspicious of pastors who have series of sermons like "How to be a better Christian," or "How to have a happy family," or "Six steps to increasing your financial well being." Here is what Dr. Barnes wrote that also resonated with me:

. . . the pastor-poet does his or her best work not with presenting issues, which are seldom the real issue. This is the fallacy of those who try to define the pastor as a manager, an entrepreneur, or a service provider who is only in need of more skills to be a success in handling the many issues that have presented themselves. Most presenting issues are merely symptomatic of underlying theological issues. Even those who treat the pastor as a spiritual leader often reduce his or her work to treating symptoms. Seldom does a day go by without another advertisement appearing in my mail that offers a new product "guaranteed" to make our congregation better at giving, Bible study and prayer. But if people are not praying, it's the pastor-poet's job to discern why they are hesitant to enter God's presence. And if they are praying, then the question is: Do they really understand what is happening in such sacred communion?
The Christian Century

He said, "God is always present, but not always apparent." Helping people become aware of God's presence is the role I want in my pastor.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I've just installed a browser on my computer called "Flock." It integrates social networking sites into one: FaceBook, Flickr, Blogger. I'm discovering that I'm waaaayyyyy behind the curve when it comes to internet connectivity.

Supposedly, I can enter blog information right from the Flock browser, including text and photos. That will take some learning.

The End of the Matter -- Dining Duck

Well, what do you know. This was a drag and drop operation from my Flickr account. Way cool.

I can also drag and drop websites and create links.
For example, this is one of my favorite websites for theological reflection.
Desiring God Blog
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Imagination can take you a long way

One of my all-time favorite photos. I captures Aidan playing on an old rail car in Tombstone, Arizona, during his visit with us last week. He loves trains, and I love watching him get excited by trains.

He has so much energy. Yet he also enjoyed curling up on our laps in the evening before bed for a bedtime story. "Read one more!" became a favorite saying.

He absolutely loves being out of doors. Nani says that he will be a fellow hiker with her some day.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tucson Rodeo

Today Christi, Aidan and I went to the Tucson Rodeo. All events today were pre-qualifying for the big pro rodeo next weekend. We watched team steer roping. Aidan was more interested in climbing the bleachers than watching the competition. He did cooperate long enough for me to get a nice cowboy and hourse shot. Temperatures were in the mid-80s--just perfect for me.

Christi and Aidan return to Michigan tomorrow, so this was a good day of Arizona sunshine.
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Things I Like

Here are 76 things that give me pleasure. There are many more, but these will give you a sense of the things that interest me. All photos taken by me.

1. Jenni, my wife

2. Monsoon Thunderstorms in the Desert

3. Sleeping Bear Dunes

4. Crystal Lake

5. Desert Mountain Hikes

6. Sitting on the Porch Swing with My Wife, Watching the Mountains Change Color in the Evening

7. Morning Coffee or Morning Tea

8. Corporate Christian Worship

9. My Pets Awaiting My Return Home

10. Point Betsie Lighthouse

11. Tilly Hats

12. Yellow Roses

13. Sunsets with Astounding Colors

14. Arizona Sunrises over the Mountain

15. Baby Saguaro Cacti Hiding under a Nurse Tree

16. Barbequed Anything

17. Playing with My Grandson

18. Butterflies

19. Chiricahua Mountains

20. Colors of the Caribbean

21. Meals with Friends

22. Hamburgers

23. Hummingbirds

24. Music Live in the Park

25. Rainbows

26. Sunsets and Canoes on Crystal Lake

27. Tropical Sunrises

28. My dog, Mica, especially when she lays in the sun.

29. Cactus Blossoms

30. The Color of Prickly Pear Fruit

31. Cloud Formations

32. Silhouettes

33. Frangi Pani Blossoms

34. Ironwood Trees in Full Bloom

35. Lemons on My Tree

36. Lichen Growing on Rocks

37. Panda

38. Phases of the Moon

39. Pools That Stretch To the Horizon

40. Queen Victoria Agave

41. Saguaro Cactus Blossoms

42. Seeing Young Children Develop Dreams That Stretch Beyond the Horizon

43. S'Mores Freshly Cooked on a Beach Campfire

44. Surprising Shadows

45. Sitting Tenderly with My Wife, with Her Head on My Shoulder

46. Tropical Beaches

47. Tumacacori Mission

48. Wild Ginger Flowers in the Hawaiian Mist

49. Smiling Children

50. Reflections

51. Shadows and Light Making Patterns

52. Playground Equipment and Children Playing

53. Alone in a Pool of Blue

54. Babies Sleeping

55. Baby Owls

56. Corn on the Cob

57. Blowing Bubbles

58. More Cactus Flowers

59. Colors of Childhood

60. Cows in a Michigan Pasture

61. Cholla Cactus Reflecting the Afternoon Sun

62. Guyacan Tree Blossoms

63. Hot Dogs and Coke

64. Inquisitive Children

65. Late Afternoon Fire in the Chimenea

66. Looking for Pretty Rocks in Lake Michigan

67. Luminaria on Christmas Eve

68. Mushrooms on the Desert Floor

69. Mescal Bean Tree Blossoms

70. Patriotic Parades

71. People Working at What They Love

72. Playing Hide and Seek

73. Sago Palm Symmetry

74. Watching People Enjoying Themselves Outdoors

75. Hibiscus Flowers

76. Freshly Painted Red Fireplugs